Наше производство

Хозяйственное общество "Eziz Erkin" - это молодая и динамично развивающаяся компания на международном рынке.

Наше Хозяйственное общество было основано в 2019 году .Основной вид деятельности экспорт производимых товаров на территории Туркменистана. 


Мы прямые производители : 

Полипропиленовых и Полиэтиленовых мешков;

Биг Бэгов;

Шариковых ручек;

Рейковых рамок для картин;

Топливных пеллет(гранул).



Мы ценим доверие наших заказчиков и работаем с каждым клиентом, исходя из принципов комплексного подхода к поставленным задачам , взаимного партнёрства полной информации открытости. 

Мы благодарим наших партнёров за доверие и будем впредь придерживаться ключевых принципов нашей работы: 

За годы работы сотрудниками накоплен опыт ,знания и навыки , необходимые для максимального эффективного

решения задач любого уровня сложности в кратчайшие сроки. 


Мы гордимся тем , что всегда выполняем взятые обязательства , последовательны в достижении поставленных

перед нами задач и несем ответственность за результат нашей компании. 

Для нас важен каждый клиент , вне зависимости от масштабов и специализации, поэтому мы всегда предлагаем лучшие решения , рассчитанные на эффективную работу и долгосрочную перспективу роста. 

Неся ответственность за выполненную работу , мы сопровождаем и совершенствуем предлагаемые нами решения , последовательно переводя инфраструктуру заказчика на качественно более высокий уровень эффективности. 

Мы гарантируем нашим клиентам внимательное отношение к их потребностям.


Вам нужен надёжный поставщик с налаженной системой контроля качества , стабильными ценами и постоянным ассортиментом ?

Хозяйственное общество "Eziz Erkin" рад предложить свои услуги в качестве ответственного партнера ,который умеет защищать и отстаивать интересы клиентов. 

Мы - честная компания с прозрачными схемами работы. Вы платите ровно столько, сколько будет стоить товар. Мы официально гарантируем , что в процессе изготовления не возникнет "внезапных" статей расходов.

Мы всегда открыты навстречу новому сотрудничеству и готовы предоставить вам по-настоящему выгодные условия. Хозяйственное общество "Eziz Erkin" - проверенный проводник в любых объёмах и для любых нужд. 



Биг Бэги  

Процесс изготовления биг-бэгов состоит из несколько этапов и осуществляется в пределах одного предприятия.

  1. Подготовка сырья.
  2. Экструзия полипропиленовой пленки и изготовление нитей.
  3. Производство полипропиленового рукава, строп и нитей.
  4. Ламинирование ткани — опциональный этап
  5. Раскрой ткани и нарезка стропы.
  6. Пошив готового изделия.
  7. Контроль качества
  8. Упаковка готовой продукции.  

Выбор и подготовка сырья


Полипропиленовая гранула — основа производства биг-бэгов. Из нее производят ткань для пошива контейнеров, стропы, нити и уплотнительные ленты. Для биг-бэгов применяют только первичный полипропилен от крупных производителей импортного и отечественного производства. Именно от качества гранул очень сильно зависит прочность готового изделия. 

Производственный цикл начинается со смешивания гранул полипропилена с различными добавками в миксере. Основная добавка в сырье — это УФ-стабилизатор. Полипропилен материал прочный, но обладает одним большим недостатком, на солнце под воздействием УФ лучей, он теряет свои прочностные свойства, становится хрупким и ломким. Именно поэтому без такой добавки никак не обойтись. Наличие ее в исходном сырье обычно не более 2%, и на использование с пищевыми продуктами, она никак не влияет.

Второй по популярности использования добавкой является карбонат кальция (мел), он выполняет роль красителя, придавая полипропилену кипельно-белый оттенок, и улучшает прочностные характеристики готовой ткани

Изготовление полипропиленовой нити

Смесь полипропиленовых гранул с добавками подается в приемный бункер экструдера, в котором она разогревается до 260°C, и выдавливается через канал готовки экструдера, превращаясь после всех технологических процессов в тонкую пленка. После охлаждения пленка нарезается на тонкие полоски-нити нужной ширины и наматывается в бобины.

Готовые катушки поступают в ткацкий цех, где изготавливается полипропиленовый рукав и стропы.

Производство полипропиленового рукава и строп

Катушки с полипропиленовой нитью поступают на круглоткацкий или плоскоткацкий станок, где осуществляется производство рукава. Перед началом технологического процесса специалистом настраиваются нужные параметры будущих изделий:

  • плотность плетения нитей;
  • натяжение нити;
  • ширина полипропиленового рукава;

После настройки характеристик, челночным методом изготавливается полипропиленовый рукав, который наматывается на бобины. На этом же этапе к обычным нитям могут быть добавлены специальные углеродные или серебряные нити (черного цвета), либо, рассеивающие статическое электричество, желтые нити, для тех рукавов, которые будут использоваться в производстве антистатических биг-бэгов.

Параллельно рукаву на лентоткацких станках плетут полипропиленовые стропы, которые изготавливают из тех же нитей, но с добавлением красителей.

Раскрой готового изделия 

Подготовленные роли с полипропиленовым рукавом раскраивают на специальных станках по заданным размерам. При необходимости вырезают отверстия под люки. Нарезка осуществляется с помощью специальных термо-ножей, которые оплавляют концы тканей, не давая ей рассыпаться. Весь процесс автоматизирован, что обеспечивает точный крой по размерам заготовки.

Стропы для биг бэгов также обрезаются на специальных станках.

Далее все заготовки идут в пошивочный цех, либо на печатный станок, если требуется логотип на биг-бэге. 

Пошив мягких контейнеров 

На этапе пошива из заготовок полипропиленовой ткани и строп изготавливаются биг-бэги с заданными свойствами. Пришиваются загрузочные и разгрузочные люки, вверх биг-бэгов добавляют сборки (юбки) или крышки.

Стропы пришиваются к телу биг-бэга на расстоянии не менее ⅔ длины биг-бэга. Также на этом же этапе вшивают или вкладывают вкладыш.

Все наши биг-бэги в обязательном порядке снабжены специальным вкладышем для документов, который пришивается к стропе.

Если требуется пыленепроницаемость биг-бэга, то его шов дополнительно уплотняется специальной лентой, и боковины биг-бэга прошиваются двойным швом.

К антистатическим биг-бэгом пришиваются дополнительно заземляющие элементы.


Проверка качества и упаковка. 

Важным процессом производства биг-бэгов является контроль качества производимой продукции. Его осуществляют специальные специалисты выборочно на каждом этапе производства. При экструзии плёнки контролируется ее толщина, при намотке ниток — однотолщиность, и отсутствие разрывов в катушке. На этапе изготовления рукава контролируется плотность плетения и равномерность ширины рукава. Практически все пошитые мешки проверяются на отсутствие прорех, и соответствию техническому заданию по размерным показателям.

Со всей произведенной партии отбираются несколько образцов для проведения специального теста на безопасную рабочую нагрузку. Этот шаг гарантирует, что произведенные биг-бэги соответствуют заявленным параметрам грузоподъемности.




Certificate of Origin ST-1


   The certificate of origin is a document that identifies the country of manufacture of products moved across the border. It is required at customs. ST-1 certificate, like its other types, exempts goods from customs duties and taxes (partially or completely).


 Certificate Forms
To date, there are three forms of the certificate of origin: ST-1, form A and the general form.

   Certificate of Origin CT-1 is required for products shipped to the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The condition for its registration is the delivery of goods by one sender to one recipient. In this case, the products must be manufactured or substantially processed in one of the CIS countries.

  Form A certificate of origin is issued for the delivery of goods to developed countries. In particular, it is accepted in the EU countries, as well as the USA and Canada. This document is completed in English only.

A general form certificate must be obtained for goods exported to countries that are not in the list of certificates of origin of other forms. In addition, it is this document that is drawn up when it is impossible to unambiguously determine the country of origin. Filling it out is allowed in Russian and English.


A certificate should be obtained for each individual batch of goods. In some cases, registration is not required at all. This applies to the supply of products that:

is moved for their own needs by individuals;
has a total customs value (subject to sending to one recipient at one time in one way) not less than $ 340;
completely exempt from taxes and duties when applying for international customs transit or customs regime of temporary importation.
Registration of certificates of origin
These certificates can be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. In addition, the issuance is carried out by TPP representative firms that have a special right to do so.

The process of filling in and issuing them is regulated by certain rules (Agreement of the Governments of the CIS member countries dated November 20, 2009, On filling out the form of certificates of origin).

The issuance of a certificate of origin has its own characteristics depending on its specific type. The general package of documents for its receipt includes:

  • application (indicating the route, mode of transport, packaging, weight);
  • agreement/contract;
  • registration documents;
  • composition of products with the designation of the country of origin of each component;
  • a document confirming the safety and quality of the goods;
  • invoices and invoices.

  In order for a product to be issued a ST-1 certificate, certain conditions must be met. Firstly, these products must be produced, or sufficiently processed or processed in the territory of a state party to the Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Zone of April 15, 1994. Secondly, they must be sent from one sender and intended for one recipient . Delivery in this case can be carried out both by one vehicle and by different ones.

Компания Eziz Erkin - производство и продажа

упаковочной продукции. 

Наша компания занимается производством Полипропиленовых мешков с 2014 года . 

Процесс изготовления полипропиленовых мешков проводится в несколько этапов и осуществляется в пределах одного предприятия.

  1. Подготовка полипропиленового сырья.
  2. Изготовление полипропиленовых нитей.
  3. Производство ткани (полипропиленового рукава).
  4. Нарезка и пошив изделий.
  5. Упаковка готовой продукции.

А теперь рассмотрим подробнее каждый этап. 

Подготовка полипропиленового сырья

На завод по производству полипропиленовых мешков сырье поступает в виде гранул, которые в зависимости от назначения бывают двух видов.

  1. Первичное сырье (полипропилен) используется при производстве мешков для пищевой и сыпучей продукции по причине повышенной прочности материала. Такие изделия должны соответствовать санитарным и гигиеническим требованиям.

Полипропилен изготавливает из газа пропена. Первоначально вещество получают в виде порошка, которое сушат, смешивают с добавками и формируют в гранулы диаметром от двух до пяти миллиметров.

  1. Вторичное сырье, которое изготавливается путем переработки отходов производства, продукции из полипропилена, например, старых мешков. Такое сырье не используется для пищевой продукции.

Вторичное сырье изготавливают с помощью измельчителя. Барабан устройства наполняется вторичными материалами, где они измельчаются до нужного размера.

Так как мы заинтересованы в том чтобы , наши клиенты оставались довольными от наших мешков, то мы используем только первичное сырье . 

Изготовление полипропиленовых нитей

Тканевые нити изготавливаются из полипропиленовой пленки путем переработки сырья на специальном станке — экструдере. Но первоначально сырье необходимо просушить, чтобы при нагревании в бункере экструдера не образовывались пары. Для этого используется промышленная печь, куда погружается первоначальное сырье. Удаление влаги проводится при температуре 80 оС.

Когда первоначальное сырье полностью избавляется от влаги, приступают к изготовлению полипропиленовых нитей.

Производство нитей, как уже было сказано, осуществляется из полипропиленовой пленки. Для ее получения сухое сырье засыпают в приемный бункер экструдера, где оно смешивается с красителями и добавками. На этом этапе добавляется карбонат кальция (химическое вещество, которое получают путем соединения кальция и соли угольной кислоты). Этот компонент не только придает нужный оттенок изделию, но и повышает жесткость. Используемые добавки напрямую влияют на свойства получаемого материала.

Затем смесь поступает в нагревательный бак, где плавится при температуре 260 оС. Расплавленная смесь выдавливается через специальную насадку, в результате получается сплошная пленка, которая остывает под напором воздуха.

Готовая пленка разрезается на нити заданной толщины, которые наматываются на катушки. На этом этапе производства важно следить за толщиной нити и своевременно менять катушки. Если толщина изменяется, необходима регулировка режущих ножей.

Готовые катушки поступают в ткацкий цех, где непосредственно изготавливается полипропиленовый рукав — основной материал для производства полипропиленовых мешков.

Производство ткани (полипропиленового рукава)

Готовые катушки с полипропиленовой нитью поступают на круглоткацкий станок, где осуществляется производство рукава. Перед началом технологического процесса специалистом настраиваются нужные параметры будущих изделий:

  • плотность плетения нитей;
  • натяжение нити;
  • ширина полипропиленового рукава;
  • наличие нити противоскольжения, которая используется для того, чтобы мешки не скользили, и ее параметры.

После настройки характеристик челночным методом изготавливается полипропиленовый рукав, который наматывается на бобины. Готовые бобины можно транспортировать на склад или непосредственно подавать на следующий этап производства.

Бабины имеют большой диаметр и вес, поэтому для их перевозки используют специальную технику.

Нарезка и пошив изделий

Нарезка полипропиленового рукава проводится на специальной линии, где используется горячий метод нарезки. Станок самостоятельно определяет сторону, на которую нанесен рисунок с помощью фотоэлемента.

Горячий метод нарезки подразумевает оплавление концевых нитей мешка, чтобы в дальнейшем они не расползлись.

 После того как от полиэтиленового рукава отрезана заготовка для мешка, станок подворачивает дно изделия, обычно один или два раза, и прошивает шов мультифиламентной нитью, которую также называют полипропиленовой.

Особенность данной нити заключается в продольном делении, в отличие от монофиламентной.

Дальше станок проводит обработку горловины по заранее заданному алгоритму:

  • обрезка прямым методом горячей нарезки или зигзагом;
  • один или два подворота;
  • один или два раза прошивается;
  • без дополнительной обработки.


Упаковка готовой продукции. 

Готовые изделия упаковываются в пачки по 100, 200, 250, 300, 500 или 1000 штук в зависимости от размеров. После этого пачки прессуются и упаковываются в пленку или обертываются полипропиленовой тканью, после чего снова прессуются и обтягиваются шпагатом. Готовые мешки направляют на хранение или транспортируют.

ГОСТ на полипропиленовые мешки

April 15, 1994
On the establishment of a free trade zone
The States Parties to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties, reaffirming their commitment to the free development of mutual economic cooperation, putting into practice the principles of a market economy, acting towards the consistent implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Economic Union (September 24, 1993, Moscow), creating conditions for free movement of goods and services, ensuring the balance of mutual trade and stabilizing the internal economic situation of the participating states, contributing to the growth of the economic potential of the participating states on the basis of the development of mutually beneficial cooperative ties and cooperation, guided by the desire to constantly improve the standard of living of the population of their states, based on a phased approach establishment of the Economic Union, entering into the Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, have agreed as follows:

Article 1
General provisions
The protocol of 04/02/1999 amended the first paragraph of paragraph 1 of Article 1.

1. The Contracting Parties, in order to achieve the goals of this Agreement, will ensure interaction in solving specific tasks of the first stage of the creation of the Economic Union, aimed at:

By the Protocol of 02.04.1999, the second paragraph of clause 1 of Article 1 was reworded.

gradual abolition of customs duties, taxes and fees having an equivalent effect, and quantitative restrictions in mutual trade;
removal of other obstacles to the free movement of goods and services;
creation and development of an effective system of mutual settlements and payments for trade and other transactions;
By the protocol of 02.04.1999, paragraphs five and six of paragraph 1 of Article 1 were combined and set out in a new edition.

coordination of trade policy in relation to countries that are not parties to this Agreement;
coordination of economic policy to the extent necessary to achieve the goals of the Agreement (in the field of industry, agriculture, transport, finance, investment, social sphere, development of fair competition, etc.);
promotion of intersectoral and intrasectoral cooperation and scientific and technical cooperation;
harmonization and (or) unification of the legislation of the Contracting Parties to the extent necessary for the proper and efficient functioning of the free trade area.
By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 2 of Article 1 was reworded.

2. The territory of the Agreement covers the customs territories of the Contracting Parties.

The protocol of 04/02/1999 amended the first paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 1.

3. If the meaning of terms is not specifically defined in the Agreement or by other agreement of the Contracting Parties, then in their interpretation the Contracting Parties will be guided by the provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

Disagreements in connection with the interpretation of the Agreement or its individual terms will be resolved in accordance with the procedure adopted for the settlement of disputes in connection with this Agreement.

4. The Contracting Parties will refrain from actions that are contrary to the provisions and impede the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement. This provision concerns, in particular, the conditions for the participation of the Contracting Parties in other regional economic groupings, as well as other issues related to the regulation of relations within the framework of the Agreement.

The Protocol dated April 2, 1999 supplemented the Agreement with Article 1a "A body coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties to implement the provisions of the Agreement".

Article 2 was excluded by the protocol of 02.04.1999.

Article 2
Treatment of non-participating states
The Contracting Parties reserve the right to independently and independently determine the regime of foreign economic relations with states not participating in this Agreement.

The Protocol of 02.04.1999 reworded the title of Article 3. 

Article 3
Customs duties, taxes and charges having equivalent effect and quantitative restrictions
By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 1 of Article 3 was reworded.

1. The Contracting Parties shall not apply customs duties, taxes and fees having an equivalent effect, as well as quantitative restrictions on the import and (or) export of goods originating from the customs territory of one of the Contracting Parties and destined for the customs territory of other Contracting Parties. Exceptions to this trade regime are documented by documents that are an integral part of this Agreement.

By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 2 of Article 3 was reworded.

2. In accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, the Contracting Parties, within six months from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, shall develop and agree on a common List of exemptions from the free trade regime, as well as methods for applying and phasing out such exemptions for the transitional period until the creation of a free trade area .

By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 3 of Article 3 was reworded.

3. Until a common List of Exemptions is agreed upon, the existing bilateral agreements on free trade and protocols on exemptions from this regime will apply in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise provided by bilateral agreements.

4. The country of origin of goods is determined in accordance with the Rules for determining the country of origin of goods, which are an integral part of this Agreement (Appendix No. 1).

The Protocol of 02.04.1999 reworded Article 4.

Article 4
Technical and other special requirements (restrictions)
1. In order to eliminate technical barriers and other restrictions of a similar nature in mutual trade, the Contracting Parties will strive to harmonize technical and other special requirements for harmonizing their policies in this area.

2. The Contracting Parties will instruct their competent authorities to prepare appropriate proposals for the implementation of the provisions of the first paragraph of this article on a multilateral or bilateral basis.

Article 5
Fees and formalities related to the import and export of goods
1. All fees and charges (with the exception of customs duties, taxes and equivalent fees) established by the Contracting Parties in connection with the import or export of goods in mutual trade must not exceed, within reasonable limits, direct actual costs.

The Protocol of 02.04.1999 amended paragraph 2 of Article 5.

2. The Contracting Parties will inform about the types of fees and charges and strive for an agreed reduction in their number and size.

3. The Contracting Parties shall strive for the simplification and unification of administrative formalities.

4. The provisions of this article shall apply in particular to fees and formalities relating to:

quantitative restrictions;
currency control;
statistical accounting;
documents, documentation and certification of documents;
analysis and inspection;
The protocol of 02.04.1999 amended paragraph 4 of Article 5.

quarantine, sanitary service, fumigation, etc.
Article 6
Unification and (or) harmonization of customs procedures
1. The Contracting Parties shall take measures to maximize the simplification and unification of customs formalities, in particular, by introducing uniform forms of customs and shipping documentation, focusing on existing international agreements and arrangements.

2. The Contracting Parties shall instruct their competent authorities to prepare proposals concerning the harmonization of customs procedures and mutual recognition of customs documents and customs provisions.

Article 7
Commodity nomenclatures
The Protocol of 04/02/1999 amended the second sentence of paragraph 1 of Article 7.

1. When implementing tariff and non-tariff regulation measures, maintaining statistical records and exchanging statistical information, as well as for customs control and clearance, the Contracting Parties shall use commodity nomenclatures for foreign economic activity based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. At the same time, for their own needs, the Contracting Parties, if necessary, carry out further development of national commodity nomenclatures.

2. The master copy of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System shall be maintained by the Russian Federation through its representative offices in the relevant international organizations until other Contracting Parties declare that they maintain the master copy independently.

Article 8
Internal taxes and other fees of a fiscal nature
The protocol of 02.04.1999 amended paragraph 1 of Article 8.

1. The Contracting Parties shall not directly or indirectly levy taxes and duties of a fiscal nature on goods originating from the customs territory of other Contracting Parties in an amount exceeding their level for national goods.

2. The Contracting Parties will provide complete information on all applicable taxes and other fees of a fiscal nature.

The Protocol dated April 2, 1999 supplemented the Agreement with Article 8a "Procedure for the application of indirect taxes".

Article 9
By the protocol of 02.04.1999, Article 9 was supplemented with paragraphs 2, 3, 4.

The Contracting Parties have agreed not to provide export and other subsidies to enterprises located in their territories if the conditions of fair competition are violated as a result of the provision of such subsidies.

Article 10
1. The Contracting Parties agree that observance of the principle of freedom of transit is the most important condition for achieving the goals of this Agreement and an essential element in the process of their connection to the system of international division of labor and cooperation.

2. Transit traffic must not be subject to unreasonable delays or restrictions.

By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 Article 10 was supplemented with a new paragraph 3.

The existing paragraph 3 of article 9 is reworded and is considered to be paragraph 4.

3. Conditions of transit, including tariffs for transportation by any mode of transport and provision of services, should not be worse than the conditions provided by the Contracting Parties for their own consignors and consignees of goods, goods belonging to them, as well as for carriers and vehicles of this Contracting Party or provided to consignors and recipients of goods, goods belonging to them, carriers and vehicles of any other foreign state, unless otherwise provided by bilateral agreements.

The Protocol of 02.04.1999 reworded Article 11.

Article 11
1. Each Contracting Party shall not allow unauthorized re-export of goods, in relation to the export of which other Contracting Parties, from whose territory these goods originate, apply measures of tariff and (or) non-tariff regulation.

2. The Contracting Parties shall not prevent economic entities from including in contracts provisions affecting the re-export of goods.

3. Issues related to the re-export of goods are regulated in accordance with the Agreement on the re-export of goods and the procedure for issuing a permit for re-export (Appendix No. 2), which is an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 12
Industrial cooperation and scientific and technical cooperation
The Contracting Parties will promote the development of industrial cooperation and scientific and technical cooperation at the interstate (intersectoral, regional) level and at the level of economic entities, including by providing various forms of state support.

Article 13
1. General exceptions
The protocol of 04/02/1999 amended paragraph 1 of Article 13.

This Agreement does not preclude the right of any of the Contracting Parties to take measures of state regulation generally accepted in international practice in the field of foreign economic relations, which it considers necessary to protect its vital interests or which, of course, are necessary for the implementation of international treaties to which it is or intends to become a party, if these measures concern:

protection of public morality and public order;
protection of life and health of people;
protection of animals and plants;
environmental protection;
protection of artistic, archaeological and historical values ​​constituting a national treasure;
protection of industrial and intellectual property;
trade in gold, silver or other precious metals and stones;
conservation of irreplaceable natural resources;
restrictions on the export of products when the domestic price for these products is lower than the world price as a result of the implementation of state support programs;
balance of payments violations.
2. Exceptions for security reasons

Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the right of any of the Contracting Parties to apply any measures of state regulation that it considers necessary if these measures concern:

ensuring national security, including preventing the leakage of confidential information related to state secrets;
trade in weapons, military equipment, ammunition, the provision of military services, the transfer of technology and the provision of services for the production of weapons and military equipment and for other military purposes;
supply of fissile materials and sources of radioactive substances, disposal of radioactive waste;
measures applied in wartime or in other emergency circumstances in international relations;
actions in fulfillment of its obligations under the UN Charter for the preservation of international peace and security.
The Protocol dated April 2, 1999 supplemented the Agreement with Article 13a "Special Trade Measures".

The protocol of 02.04.1999 excluded Article 14.

Article 14
The procedure for introducing state regulation measures
1. The Contracting Party shall notify the other Contracting Parties in advance of the reasons, nature and expected timing of the introduction and operation of state regulation measures.

2. The Contracting Parties shall conduct preliminary consultations and develop recommendations. If it is impossible to make an agreed decision within six months, the Contracting Party referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall have the right to introduce measures of state regulation at its own discretion.

3. In special cases that brook no delay, a Contracting Party shall have the right to introduce measures of state regulation in the field of foreign economic activity with simultaneous notification and immediate subsequent consultations with other Contracting Parties.

Article 15 was excluded by the protocol of 02.04.1999.

Article 15
Cooperation in the field of export control
The Contracting Parties shall cooperate and carry out concerted actions in matters of export control.

Article 16
Scope of the Goods Agreement
The free trade zone regime applies to goods originating from the customs territory of the Contracting Parties and destined for the customs territory of the Contracting Parties.

Article 17
The protocol of 04/02/1999 amended paragraph 1 of Article 17.

1. The Contracting Parties, on the basis of reciprocity, will strive for the gradual lifting of restrictions in order to create conditions for the free provision of services within the territory of the Agreement.

2. The Contracting Parties shall determine the types of services covered by this Article and identify priority types of services in the field of direct servicing of trade, in respect of which the issues of liberalization of imports and exports shall be addressed as a matter of priority.

3. The Contracting Parties reserve the right to coordinate issues related to the provision of services both on a multilateral and bilateral basis.

The Protocol dated April 2, 1999 supplemented the Agreement with Articles 17a "Competition in business activities" and 17b "Public procurement".

Article 18 was excluded by the protocol of 02.04.1999.

Article 18
Exchange of information on the legal regulation of foreign economic relations
The Contracting Parties, in an agreed manner, provide each other with information on the internal legal regulation of foreign economic relations.

The Protocol of 02.04.1999 reworded Article 19.

Article 19
Settlement of disputes
1. Any disputes and disagreements between the Contracting Parties regarding the interpretation and (or) application of the provisions of this Agreement, as well as other disputes affecting the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties under this Agreement or in connection with it, will be resolved in the following order:

by conducting direct consultations between interested Contracting Parties or, by mutual agreement, with the participation of representatives of other Contracting Parties;
within the framework of a special conciliation procedure (by creating working groups to study the materials of the dispute and develop recommendations);
in the Economic Court of the CIS;
within the framework of other procedures provided for by international law.
2. The transition to the next procedure is possible by mutual agreement of the Contracting Parties between which disputed issues or disagreements have arisen, or at the request of one of them if no agreement is reached within six months from the date of commencement of the procedure.

Article 20
Correlation of this Agreement with other obligations and rights of the Contracting Parties
The Protocol of 02.04.1999 amended paragraph 1 of Article 20.

1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered as preventing any of the Contracting Parties from fulfilling their obligations under any other international agreement to which that Contracting Party is or may be a party, provided that these obligations are not contrary to the provisions and objectives present agreement.

By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 2 of Article 20 was reworded.

2. The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the rights and benefits granted within the framework of regional cooperation, border and coastal trade, preferences, free economic and customs zones regulated by domestic legislation or based on international agreements.

By the Protocol of 04/02/1999, paragraph 3 of Article 20 is excluded.

3. A Contracting Party that intends to conclude preferential, trade and integration agreements with states that are not parties to this Agreement shall notify the other Contracting Parties of this in advance and inform them of the expected conditions for its participation in the said agreements.

For the purposes of this paragraph, the Contracting Parties are the Contracting Parties that have signed this Agreement and the states that have acceded to it.

Article 21 was excluded by the protocol of 02.04.1999.

Article 21
Transition to the Customs Union
The free trade area is seen as a transitional stage to the formation of the Customs Union.

A customs union may be established by states that wish to continue cooperation within its framework and that comply with the terms of this Agreement.

Article 22
Changes and additions
1. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by mutual agreement of the Contracting Parties.

2. Reservations to this Agreement are not permitted.

Article 23
Entry into force
1. This Agreement shall be provisionally applied from the date of signing and shall enter into force from the date of deposit with the depositary of the third notification of the fulfillment by the signatory Contracting Parties of all necessary domestic procedures.

2. The depositary of this Agreement is the Republic of Belarus.

3. After one year from the date of signing this Agreement, the Contracting Parties for which the Agreement has entered into force may decide on the participation in the Agreement of the Contracting Parties for which the Agreement is applied provisionally.

Article 24
By the Protocol of 02.04.1999 paragraph 1 of Article 24 was reworded.

1. This Agreement is open for accession by any state - a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, recognizing the provisions of the Agreement in force at the time of accession, and expressing readiness to comply with them in full.

2. Accession is carried out on the terms and in the manner determined in a separate agreement with the acceding state, which is previously agreed upon and subject to approval by all Contracting Parties in accordance with their internal state procedures.

Article 25
Termination of participation in the Agreement
1. Any Contracting Party may terminate its participation in the Agreement by sending a formal written notice to other Contracting Parties of its intention to withdraw from the Agreement 6 months before the withdrawal.

The protocol of 02.04.1999 reworded paragraph 2 of Article 25.

2. In case of violation by any of the Contracting Parties of the provisions of this Agreement, causing serious damage to the achievement of its goals, the other Contracting Parties shall have the right to decide to suspend the Agreement or its individual provisions in relation to this Contracting Party or to decide to exclude it from the number of participants in the Agreement.

3. For the purpose of resolving possible disputes and claims, including those of a material nature, the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be valid in relation to the Contracting Party that has terminated its participation until the full settlement of all claims.

Done in Moscow on April 15, 1994 in one original copy in Russian. The original copy is stored in the Archive of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, which will send to the Contracting Parties that have signed this Agreement, its certified copy.


This document is signed by all CIS member states: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Republic of Georgia.

TNVED code

The commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity is a classifier of goods used in the course of customs operations by declarants and customs inspectors. Import and export duty rates depend on which TN VED code the product belongs to.

HS code is an international harmonized coding system for goods, which almost completely coincides with the TN VED.

The Harmonized System Nomenclature (HS) The Harmonized System Nomenclature (HS) forms the basis of the tariff system of all countries in the world. In fact, nomenclature means the systematic numbering or naming of all goods sold on the international market, in accordance with international rules and interpretations. The Harmonized System is a universal basis for international trade statistics and customs tariffs of all countries. The Harmonized System, whose official name is the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, is an international classification system used for all products sold on the international market. In the Harmonized System, every product sold is classified according to a certain logical and systematic structure. Goods are registered at customs on the basis of these codes. Each product / product group has its own HS code. All goods are processed at customs based on these codes. The HS code is the universal trade language for commodities and an indispensable tool for both commodities coding and international trade. The HS code (HS Code) can be defined as the "identification number" of all goods in customs procedures. This system is used by more than 200 countries and economies as the basis for compiling international trade statistics. In addition, HS codes are used by customs authorities around the world to identify products for the application of customs duties, taxes and regulations. Over 98% of world trade is classified in HS codes.

The structure of the TN VED commodity code

  • 2 first digits - TN VED commodity group:

(84 - Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment
and mechanical devices; their parts);

  • The first 4 digits are the heading of the TN VED:
    (8458 - Lathes (including lathes)
    carny multi-purpose) metal-cutting);
  • The first 6 digits are the subheading of the TN VED:
    (845811 - With numerical control);
  • The first 8 digits are a sub-subheading of the TN VED:
    (84581141 - Single spindle);
  • 10 digits, full product code - sub-subheading of the TN VED:
    (8458114109 - Others).

In the Harmonized System, products are classified horizontally and vertically according to categories such as raw and natural products, unprocessed, semi-processed and processed products. For example, while "Polymers of ethylene in primary forms" (crude product) are coded in heading 3901, "Cutlery, kitchen utensils, other household articles and hygiene or toilet articles, of plastics" (manufactured product) are classified in heading 3924.

Another example is that "unwrought aluminium" (raw product) is coded in heading "7601", while "aluminum sheets, sheets and strip of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm" (semi-finished product) are classified in heading 7606 and "Articles tableware, kitchenware and other household utensils and parts thereof, of aluminium” (manufactured product) are in heading 7615.

Table of TNVED codes of our goods.

Name of product TNVED code
MIRROR IN FRAME 7009920000 
WASHING POWDER 3402209000 
SHOWER CABIN 3922100000 
BOPP FILM 3920202100
STYROFOAM 0302899009
SPUNBOND 5603000000
WOOL YARN 6204410000
SHEEP'S WOOL 5111303000
FITTINGS 8547200009
PHOTO PAPER 3703200000
ECO BAG 4202921900
OFFICE FILES 3926100000
SCOTCH 3919101200 
SALT TABLETS 2501009110
SESAME OIL 1515509900


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